Sunday, February 23, 2014


I found out this week it is June... I must have been living in my own world for the past two months. I made an appointment for Kalel's two month check-up! Where has the time gone? Being a mom is so much fun. I had no idea how much my parents really love me until now. It is such an incredible experience. Well, our computer hasn't been working, so I apologize for not having more pictures to share.

Life is fun, busy and crazy at the same time. Kyle has been working on his parents farm doing everything from digging trenches, putting in a sprinkling system, clearing the ground for a playground area, etc. until today. He is now helping his friend start up his landscaping business in Utah County. They do a great job and work very hard.

I have happily been home for two months now. I hope to be able to work from home writing title policies. We will find out soon.

Check out the new pics, love to all!

He seems to be growing so fast. When I sit him in my lap against my knees he tries to sit up, he actually can but the balance isn't there. I just catch him as he starts to topple off to the side. If he is getting fussy, it is usually because he wants to stand up. He loves to play with dad,  who tries to get him to stand in his hands (he is not quite ready, but I lose that battle), holds him in the air (with his feet) and makes cool noises. I now understand why so many baby outfits come with bibs. He has started to slobber. But his favorite thing to do is EAT! It seems like I am always feeding him. I have to try and distract him and make him wait 3 hours. (But it takes him at least 45 to eat, so it ends up being 2 hours). But he is awake longer, so we have added more play into the eat, poop and sleep routine. He was sleeping for 6 hours at night, which I loved, but it is a fairly random schedule. We are lovin' life.

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